The Best Books I've Read in 2008 (continued)

Ranking good books from 1-10 is too hard, so, apart from my top 2 picks from last night, the remaining 8 books are in no particular order.
  • Mark Dever, The Gospel and Personal Evangelism (Wheaton: Crossway, 2007)
 I've already written about this one.

  • Donald Macleod, The Person of Christ, Contours of Christian Theology (Downers Grove: IVP, 1998)
Excellent contemporary work by a systematic theologian. This is no basic overview, but rather a more advanced text which interacts heavily with opponents of Chalcedonian orthodoxy. Not a starting point for your study of Christology, but brilliant for those who already have a grasp of the basics.

  • Steve Jeffery, Mike Ovey and Andrew Sach, Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution (Nottingham: IVP, 2007)
With all the current attacks on Penal Substitution, this book is necessary (& very worthwhile) reading.

  • John M. Frame, The Doctrine of God (Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2002)
At nearly 900 pages, this might take some time to plough through, but it will be time well spent. Frame is not only informative but also manages to stay interesting, making his book a pleasure to read.  Frame presents theology of God firmly rooted in Scripture.

  • Gerhard O Forde, On Being a Theologian of the Cross: Reflections on Luther's Heidelberg Disputation, 1518 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997)
While there are a few problems with Forde's theology (it would appear at one point that he rejects Penal Substitution), this book is not actually about Forde's theology, but rather (as the title cunningly suggests) that of Luther. This book does exactly what it says on the tin: it is a series of reflections on Luther's Heidelberg Disputation of 1518. The Heidelberg Disputation articulates Luther's thought on being a theologian of the Cross as opposed to a theologian of glory, and thus this book looks in detail at that contrast .

  • D.G. Hart and John R. Muether, With Reverence and Awe: Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship (Phillipsburg: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2002)
Another book on worship by a Reformed author? Indeed. Like Horton's A Better Way, this one should provide a bit of food for thought. Great explanation of the Regulative Principle of Worship.  A bit more nuts and bolts than Horton.

  • Alexander Strauch, Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership (Littleton: Lewis & Roth, 1995)
Strauch seeks to expound what the Bible has to say about Elders and provides a wonderful reminder (for some) of, or introduction (for many) to, what eldership is really about. Strauch ably demonstrates that biblical church government in the local assembly is by a plurality of elders, but also goes beyond this to show the role and nature of that eldership.

  • Walter Marshall, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification (1692)
I've already written about this one too.